Merry Christmas, happy New Year, I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! Now that I've covered all my bases, I've finished the website redesign. The new store is launched, and everything is greatly simplified (mostly on my end.) I've adjusted prices, and updated the catalog to include all of my new pieces.
A little bit about what's going on with me. I've received a two short film score requests in the same week! I was able to finish one of them on time, titled Sirious Business, which can be seen on my Commercial page. The other is slated to begin scoring at the end of March, so hopefully I'll have more to show you at a later date. Work is picking up and I'm making a huge push from concert music into film, and so far so good! I'm working on starting a few very big projects that hopefully I'll have more to share with you guys at a later date, so keep an eye out for that! This is a shorter post, but just wanted to keep everyone up to date. Here's to the next one. John Paul Hayward | Bearded water hog
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Hey all, I've made little improvements here and there, but overall have really neglected the website. It doesn't see a lot of traffic, so I'm not to concerned. Just to give you a heads up of what's going on. I've added a page with my commercial music listed, so go check that out, and over the next couple of weeks I'll be revamping the website (again.) I feel like it's a little redundant to have a store listing the same information as my music category, so I'm going to combine the two, as well as list all of the new music I've been working on. Speaking of which I have several new projects going on. Firstly I was commissioned to arrange Christmas music for EskDale high school. That's finished and set to be performed at their annual Christmas Banquet, so make sure you go see that, here's a sneak peak of a larger orchestration I wrote at the same time: Second, keeping with the spirit of the Holidays I have a wonderful arrangement of The First Noel for choir and orchestra coming out soon, I hope everyone will listen to it and love it!
Third, I've been commissioned by the House of Aaron to arrange ten religious songs for orchestra and voice, something I'm very excited about, and will keep you updated with. Fourth, I've just made a huge purchase that I hope will give me a huge bump in quality of my music. I'm now the proud owner of EastWest Quantum Leap's Hollywood Orchestra Diamond Edition. It's taken me a huge amount of time, and a completely new work set up to get these bad boys running, but I'm very excited about using them in the near future. Fifth, I haven't heard back about a commission for choir and orchestra that I was asked about last year, it's still scheduled for the spring semester, so until I hear otherwise I'm still planning on that. Sixth, I'm making a huge push into the film, commercial and video game world. I'm getting my name out there and constantly trying to drum up some new work, so pass the word along if you know anyone. Also I've begun the preliminary work to start some of my own projects and to begin building my brand...but more on that later. Hope this keeps everyone up to date on what's going on in my world. Let me know what you want to hear next! John Paul Hayward| Homeless bearded man with cold feet. Hi All,
So it's taken me a couple months, but I've finally completed the website. All music is listed, with previews, and is available for sell! I've had a busy summer, I've arranged several songs, including the YouTube original "Mario Kart Love Song" by Sam Hart. Unfortunately I can't sell any of these since I don't have the permission - as much as I wish I could. Anyhow, I will keep this short and sweet. Please share the site with your friends, and let me know what you think! Here's to another busy year, and many more pieces of music. Homeless musician | John Paul Hayward With the summer comes a lot of work. I've been very busy over the last year. I scored a short film, and have arranged several songs since my last post. So I figured it was time to update the ol' website.
Over the next few days I'm going to simplify the music section, revamp the style of the whole site, as well as add more music the the catalog section. So stay tuned! If you're interested in listening to any of my new stuff, I've added a sound cloud player to the home page. It has all of my compositions listed. Sadly I don't have one for my arrangements, but hopefully at some point I'll have something for them as well. Anyway, here's to another go around! Cheers, John Paul Hayward|Hopeless idealist Hey guys, So most notably, I've been writing a little bit again. I just finished up a project singing a Neil Diamond cover that I arranged, and am excited for that. I'll be posting it later. I've also started composing some music for a short film, which I'm really excited for. More info on that to come later. I've composed three pieces recently that I haven't had a chance to post on the website, but they are some of my best work I think. They're called "Grace" "Falling Dreams" and "Simplicity". I've opened a Sound Cloud account and will post a playlist here on the News Feed. I'm not sure why, but I can't order the tracks properly in this soundcloud thing. I'll try to keep everyone updated with what's going on in my life. Stay tuned, John Paul Hayward | Professional Vagabond So I'm really bad at writing in this thing... Anyway, hi everyone! I wanted to drop in and fill you guys in on what's been happening in my life. This summer was an extremely busy one! All three of the summer concerts went off very well, I was able to arrange two more songs, as well as write one of my own. Sadly the summer is now over, and I'm back in school. That's alright though, because this will be my last year. I'm still hoping that this CD will suddenly take off and make enough noise in the world that I'm able to get a chance to help produce an actual 12-tracker (a term I coind myself) rather then just an EP. Wishful thinking? Maybe. Impossible? NO! I know I promised you guys earlier some clips of what I've been working on, and now I actually have something to show you. Hopefully you like what you hear. - JPH P.S Head on over to my YouTube and subcribe, you'll hear my songs a lot faster that way. So it's been a busy week for me. I've been putting in many hours updating the site and adding new content. As I mentioned in my last blog post I've been working on some new arrangements. I'm happy to announce that I've finished arrangements for Everlasting Covenant, and Come Now.
Both of these are very large pieces, one for 8 part choir and orchestra, and one for just orchestra. It's been a wonderful experience, something that I think I've learned a lot from the arrangements. I can safely say these are some of my best works. I still haven't put up any of my own compositions for sale, and I'm not sure I will for the time being. This will change depending on demand, but be sure that I'm still writing and will still be sharing! I have plans to finish another two arrangements sometime in the near future. I'm working on a Celtic arrangement of Lois's Wait for the Promise, as well as toying with the idea of some choir arrangements of Restore Us, Oh God, and possibly another one I'm keeping in the hush hush. Don't forget that we're (Meaning Lois, Myself, Kiah Conrad, Sharon Conrad, and many others) are working hard on our annual summer concert series here in EskDale. The first of which is coming up a week from tomorrow (June 29) You aren't going to want to miss it. Until next time, John Paul Hayward The dust has barely settled from the recording project that we
just finished and I've already got that itch again... I started working on a new batch of arrangements of my dear aunt's compositions. Now I hesitate to say which ones I'm working on in case I end up getting distracted, or they just flop, but I will say the one I'm working on now will be EPIC! I'm feeling a very movie scoreish vibe with this one. Now I'm not doing these in any official capacity, so don't get your hopes up for a recording. It's my hope that they will at some point see the microphone, but I wouldn't expect it anytime soon. If I do finish it and I get permission from Mrs. Faber I'll post the arrangement on the website for all of you to (hopefully) enjoy. Until then what songs would you like to hear arranged from the House of Aaron arsenal? Finished the album this week! It's set to release in the next couple of days. I can't tell you how excited I am and just overwhelmed. It's been a long year, but well worth it. There isn't anything like hearing your music come to life. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did making it.